Monday, October 30, 2006

Good egg

Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE with the Chairman of the Witham Rowing Club

Never let is be said that the Chairman mixes with anyone who might be likely to get him on the river in anger, so for your amusement, may I present a photograph of your Chairman with the retired Olympic oarsman (and four time gold medal winner) Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE, who I recently met at a 10km run in Regents Park (suffice as to say I was a spectator) and who thoughtfully consented to pose with a poser such as I. Much more of a sport than Sir Steve Redgrave, who was apparently too busy to become patron of the WRC when approached by your Chairman in 1996……


Friday, October 27, 2006

Junior beer

The High Commissioner sating his thirst in his grandparents garden

The Secretary drinking, ably supervised by the Treasurer.

The Chair of the Fine Arts Committee enjoying a pint whilst being supported by her Father

The Chairman is always the sort of chap who likes to set a good example, and it is thus gratifying to see such dedication to the under-age drinking cause once espoused by your corrospondent as that shown by the junior members of the WRC. Tempus Pro Visitfromsocialservicesio?