Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Our heroic captain (of England, not "of Boats"), almost reduced to tears

The picturesque scoreboard telling a sorry story

As a spectator at the Oval on the 12th September 2005, I experienced as euphoric a sporting high as experienced by any discerning English sporting spectator – I saw the Ashes come home. It is therefore a sad duty to record on this blog that not only did I see the Ashes thrown away on 5th December 2006 on television at Howards End, but they were thrown away in the city that the Vice Chairman, the Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee and the Chair of the Fine Arts Committee call home AND WITNESSED IN PERSON BY THE VICE CHAIRMAN, no less.

Our sympathises should be extended to the Vice Chairman for having to witness such a debacle, and we hope that in due course he can forgive the cricket playing representatives of the land of his birth for being the first side in test history to loose a test match after declaring on a first innings score in excess of five hundred and fifty runs. No wonder the Australians were happy.