Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hoodie alert

The Chairman & First Lady are delighted to announce that they have placed their first order with Godfrey Sports for a matching pair of hooded tops. These should hopefully be ready in time for the state visit in September/October, and will no doubt help stave off the autumnal chill from early mornings on the river. Or not, as the case may have it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

To cap it all....

Hot off the press from Godfrey Sport, I am delighted to announce that due to constraints of space, the cap badge to go on the club baseball cap is to be as shown above, which I have confirmed is in order. How kind of Godfrey to show such attention to detail – an excellent opportunity to reward their endeavours with a kit order, perhaps?

Monday, August 13, 2007

The CWSC, who shows no sign of the stresses and strains of 11 years in the chair

Many happy returns of the day to the Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee, who is 36 today. Unlike Vice Chairman, the CWSC shows no visible signs of age, and is, properly considered, in her prime as I’m sure you will agree this photograph shows. The pirate trousers are an acquired taste, perhaps, but I’m sure you will agree it’s what you’ve got on top that counts. Or so the VC tells me, anyway. Happy birthday Marie.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Guess who's 35 today?

The VC, bearing the customary two drinks as usual.

Many happy returns of the day to the Vice Chairman, who today reaches the grand old age of 35. Not that you would have thought so to see him, as in this photograph, he looks more like 40. Then again, you should see how old he looks in person.

Happy birthday Vice.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Tempus Pro Embroideredcrestio

The Chairman with Tom from Godfrey Sports at Henley in July

Good work - It's only taken me 16 years to sort this out

The Chairman is delighted to present, courtesy of the fine folk at Godfrey Sport, a picture of how the embroidered crest will appear. I have approved this work, which appears to have been embroidered on lycra, hence its appearance. I hope you all approve.