Thursday, October 18, 2007


Our caterer and hostess in chief encapsulated in plaster, photographed with the loving cup

The WRC after dinner (and after midnight)

The table at Toad Hall prior to the AGM

Founders reunited - The Ambassadress & Captain

Back row: The Treasurer, Antipodean Ambassadress & First Lady
Front row: The Captain of Boats, Antipodean Ambassador & Chairman

The Chairman is delighted to announce that the 11th Annual General Meeting in the 16 year history of the WRC was held on the evening of 13th October 2007 at the family seat of the Chairman's family, Toad Hall. With the exception of the Vice Chairman and Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee, all full senior members were present, the VC and CWSC excusing their absence due to their having attended a food and wine festival. In Adelaide, it should be added (the highlights being “the food and the wine”, as the VC stated when excusing their absence), so a reasonable excuse, especially when teamed with their being involved in ongoing negotiations re the purchase of land in Australia. A recreational six courses (and two puddings) later, all lovingly prepared by the mothers of the founding members of the club, the Chairman announced that the main business of the evening had been concluded, and declared the AGM closed. As your correspondent observed over dinner, to have one AGM in a year is all well and good, but to have two within 4 months is excessive, even for a club with our unconventional constitution.