Thursday, November 01, 2007

Mentioning the War

Hope you're paying him well, Ma'am

The Captain assembling his billet during the Battle of Henley 2007

The Chairman wishes it to be reported that after years of complete combative inactivity, our Captain of Boats has finally been press-ganged into action by HM the Queen. As such, the Chairman will for the period of his tour of duty be writing to the Captain on a daily basis in order to keep his spirits up, and you can read his missives by clicking on the following link. Modesty forbids, but each should prove to be cracking entertainment and hopefully a tonic for the troops. Unfortunately, the Queen has neglected to give the Captain a gun, but all things considered, he seems in very bright spirits. Perhaps he has managed to smuggle in a sharpened mango or two in much the same way as another noted Captain did in Africa during the Battle of Mboto Gorge in 1892. Who knows. Anyway, good luck Captain and come home soon.