Monday, April 20, 2009

The Ambassador comes to town

So Mike, what DO you do?

The Chairman is delighted to announce that the court of the Antipodean Ambassador is currently in Blighty, and was pleased to receive the Chairman & First Lady to his B&B off Oxford Street yesterday afternoon. Although the Ambassador showed a marked reluctance to use his legs other than when going to the bar during his visit, his elbow and forearm were well exercised by the time we were asked to leave the Grenadier pub in Belgravia some seven hours later. Dale was on excellent form, and his disposition was further improved with the arrival of his cousin Mike, who was quite illuminating about his current career prospects, although he was somewhat surprised to be as asked “So Mike, what do you do” by the First Lady some way after the discussion around his career had changed tack. Mike was kind enough not to say “What do you expect an international rugby union coach to do for a job?”, but it must have been tempting.

Suffice as to say that by the time we were asked to leave the pub (we were the final customers), even the Ambassador was well refreshed. So well refreshed, in fact, that he was almost unable to work the ticket machine in the tube station. One can only hope he felt better than the Chairman & First Lady did this morning. It would, however, seem unlikely. Even for a man of the Ambassador’s legendary stamina.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Zimmer's away!

Coming to a house near you soon – The Carterton Campo’s black dog

Another quiet day out in Lincoln.

They say it’s not what you know, but who, which is indeed a blessing for a Club who, in the main, usually fail to get above a 2(ii) in their degree classifications. I blame the parents myself. So, for the collective amusement of the Club and the parents thereof, I am delighted to post a picture of the U3A visit to RAF Scampton recently, where they undertook a sponsored swim and a flight in the Red Arrow courtesy of Bomber’s contacts. You wouldn’t have thought there was enough room to get all the walking sticks into the hold, would you?

In the next issue, I shall be featuring a photograph of Bomber Campo DFC at the graveside of the dog of Wing Commander Guy Gibson VC DSO DFC BBC ICI , prior to the unveiling of a new headstone commissioned by the U3A Racial Awareness group under the headship of none other than Mrs Patel from the Hawthorn Road newsagents. Watch this space!