Friday, July 03, 2009

No Jackets Required

Do you feel lucky? All is revelaed here.

Good morning Cyprusio

The Chairman is delighted to say that the Witham Rowing Club were dutifully represented at Henley by a coxless pair in the sweltering heat, during which jackets were allowed to be removed for the first time since 1976. For those readers of a statistical bent, the Chairman is pleased to reveal that getting out of ones scull (sic) at Henley has become even more reassuringly expensive this year, with Pimm’s coming in at £8.40 a pint in the Stewards’, and cooking Champagne a very reasonable £45.00 a bottle. Cheap at twice the price, say I, which is reassuring, as the Vice Chairman thoughtfully sent your correspondent in co-respondents a text message reminding him that he and the First Lady were drinking for 15 this year. The Captain, the man who put the psycho in psycho-analyst, was somewhat less thoughtful this year, his message this morning reading

“Morning Chairman. Day after Henley is HANGOVER DAY! Gooood Moooorning Vietnam!!!! It’s 0600 Cyprus time and life is GOOD!"

The big question, of course, is who actually won the Henley Quiz this year, and for those of you of a curious bent, all will be revealed by watching this clip of the judging at Henley in Butlers Field car park. Happy days, happy days. And as custom dictates, the sun shone on the Thames as Witham, as we always knew it would.