Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Big Siam

The Antipodean Ambassadress on holiday with the Chairman & First Lady. Keith was sadly not able to join us, but was there in spirit (and in a WRC cap)

The Chairman is delighted to announce that somewhat belatedly (well, very belatedly – how time flies….), photographs of our sojourn to Siam in March with the Antipodean Ambassadress have been uploaded to Facebook, and can observed by one and all (Facebook friends and otherwise) by clicking here. A splendid time was had by one and all, and not much beats the sort of decadence displayed by the Ambassadress whereby she can jet off on Business Class courtesy of the Ambassador’s Airmiles at less than three days notice. Then again, we’re that sort of club, so nothing should ever raise a surprise. Apart from the arrival of the credit card bill when the Ambassadress encourages an evening of imported wines & lobster, of course!