Monday, July 31, 2006

Isn't it a nobby one (and just the proper style!)

OK, you may ask, you managed to get photographs of the Buckingham Palace garden party attended by Margaret & Alan Campo, but why no pictures of Margaret's hat? Ever willing to oblige, the Chairman is delighted to share a photograph kindly emailed to him from Bader-Campo on Friday. Don’t they look splendid?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The sun has got his hat on (and so has Margaret Campo)

The Queen yesterday

The Queen on walkabout

Guests mingling at Buckingham Palace

Never let is be said that the Queen does not empathise with her subjects. So, whilst gardens up and down the country scorch under record temperatures for July, the Queen has allowed the lawns at Buckingham Palace to do likewise, as witnessed (a little Captain tells me) by Margaret and Alan “Campo” Campo DFC yesterday. Good to see the Queen entering into the spirit of the blitz all over again by not allowing her lawns to be watered. By means of real empathy, I shall expect to see her enjoying a trip on the tube in rush hour in the forthcoming days. Or not, as the case (of her son Andrew) will have it.

Photographs (c) Getty Images

Monday, July 17, 2006

8 Glorious years

A green 8th birthday balloon

Molly having her nails done, with Daisy eating hers

Molly's 8th birthday cake, and sleepover guests

The Captain and his new hose

The Chairman, relaxing with a Pimm's in the late afternoon

During your correspondent’s absence, our Secretary Molly Campion celebrated her 8th birthday with a party followed by a sleepover at Campo Towers. In addition to the family being present, the Chairman & First Lady were in attendance as has been customary in recent years, and bore witness to the inordinate amount of food young ladies consume nowadays, especially after they have spent the afternoon launching themselves down the impromptu waterslide the Captain and Treasurer created on the 15th hole of their golf course.

A good time was had by all, the Treasurer excelled herself with her cake baking and the Captain and Chairman were only once troubled by a teddy-bear run in order to appease a temporarily disgruntled guest. I for one raised an eyebrow at the choice of evening film, but I was assured by the Captain that what with young ladies the way they are nowadays, The Exorcist was probably quite tame.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

She's a gem

Ruby Carter WRC, aged 2 months

The Chairman is delighted to share with you a splendid photograph of the Chair of the Fine Arts Committee, released today by the Chair of the Wines & Sprits Committee. Good to see Ruby looking so content – Mother must be back on the Gin again (purely for research purposes, of course)

Idle reflections

"Stands the clock at ten to two, time for a large snifter before a late lunch...... "

So. A WRC coxless four find themselves on Duke Street in Henley looking for somewhere suitable for a recreational trough to celebrate the 13th wedding anniversary of the Treasurer and Captain of Boats after a strenuous bout toasting absent friends, welcoming new members and ignoring the rowing as custom dictates, and what do they find but a new establishment with culinary pretensions named after our beloved (Idle) Vice (Edelweiss – geddit?) Chairman. He may not have been there in body, but he was there in spirit. Even the sign was green and white…..

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The reason the Captain was not (almost) arrested at Henley this year


The picture above illustrates why the Captain, a surprise arrival at Henley this year as noted below, was not almost arrested by Thames Valley Constabulary again this year.

Not much beats a balanced diet, as the Treasurer and First Lady regularly remind an ever increasingly corpulent Chairman.

Horray for Henley

The Treasurer, Chairman & First Lady on the Champagne Lawn in the Stewards' Enclosure

Henley. The reason for the formation of the fine body of men and women (not forgetting the children) who fail to row on the Witham, and attended for the 17th consecutive year by the Chairman on Wednesday 28th June, ably supported by the Treasurer and First Lady who both looked delightful and indulged the gate crashing whims of the Chairman as only a dear old chum and a dutiful wife could.

The Captain, who had been attendant at Staff College, was not due to attend on the 13th anniversary of his wedding day, but as a fluke of good fortune which has characterised the Club’s history thus far, he managed not only to leave Shrivenham early but to arrive (after a car journey, 3 train journeys and a ten minute walk) outside the Stewards’ in full club kit by 4.44pm, no less. Quite how he did it I will never ascertain, but one should never question the good fortune with which the club has been traditionally endowed. As ever, the sun always shines on the Witham…..