Monday, July 17, 2006

8 Glorious years

A green 8th birthday balloon

Molly having her nails done, with Daisy eating hers

Molly's 8th birthday cake, and sleepover guests

The Captain and his new hose

The Chairman, relaxing with a Pimm's in the late afternoon

During your correspondent’s absence, our Secretary Molly Campion celebrated her 8th birthday with a party followed by a sleepover at Campo Towers. In addition to the family being present, the Chairman & First Lady were in attendance as has been customary in recent years, and bore witness to the inordinate amount of food young ladies consume nowadays, especially after they have spent the afternoon launching themselves down the impromptu waterslide the Captain and Treasurer created on the 15th hole of their golf course.

A good time was had by all, the Treasurer excelled herself with her cake baking and the Captain and Chairman were only once troubled by a teddy-bear run in order to appease a temporarily disgruntled guest. I for one raised an eyebrow at the choice of evening film, but I was assured by the Captain that what with young ladies the way they are nowadays, The Exorcist was probably quite tame.


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