Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Buy George, what a dastardly Captain ?

Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh......

The Captain in the Princess Louise

Time for some new cufflinks?

"Mutley" Campion, the medal-hungry member of the club who is so keen for reward that he not only has applied to the House of Lords for ennoblement, but also put in for medal for Gulf War 2 (in whose "theatre" he was not engaged, actively or otherwise) on the grounds that Cyprus was “almost within scudding distance of Iraq” has been up to no good again.

I discovered this when I had the pleasure of dining with the Captain at the Cittie of Yorke, High Holbourn on Monday evening following my birthday. We had a short but sweet repast, and as the chef announced that the grouse was off that evening, the Captain had Chicken Kiev and your corrospondent the Cornish Pastie. However, the purpose of this missive, fascinating though our dining habits are, is to share with readers the fact that the Captain was sporting a rather natty pair of cufflinks, which I am delighted to reproduce for your amusement above.

I enquired of the Captain whether such adornments were as a result of the generous benefaction of his offspring, at which point the Captain looked rather sheepish, and confided that he had bought the cufflinks himself from the outfitters of choice for the discerning, Asda, the previous weekend, much to my ammusement.
I bid my leave at this point, having a previous appointment with Messrs Kwik Save, my tailors, but reflected on the way to being fitted with an acylic suit that the Captain’s pricelessness (or should that be Asda pricelessness) goes from strength to strength.....

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