Monday, March 19, 2007

32 today

Guess who?

The First Lady

Many happy returns of the day to the First Lady, who is 32 years young today. To celebrate this auspicious occasion, I am delighted to reproduce a picture that the Vice Captain of Boats kindly did of your Chairman & First Lady on the occasion of her recent visit with the Secretary. If you look closely enough, you will not only spot the Chairman’s splendid pink Boden cords, but also the different colours in Liz’s dyed hair which Daisy spotted most astutely. She’s a clever girl, you know, but what more would you expect?

Due to pressures of work, we shall be celebrating quietly this evening with a bucket full of seafood and a bottle of cooking Bollinger. Well, you’re only 32 once, aren’t you?

Tempus Pro Puffinio

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