Thursday, December 27, 2007

A spouse is not just for Christmas

Hold very tight please

The Cox & her Consort, Beryl & Richard

Mr & Mrs Jobless-Curran, Jo & (Hello) Dave

The bride & groom modeled in lego

The First Lady, Chairman & Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee making merry

As promised, a selection of photographs from the wedding of a dear friend of the WRC, Jo “Lockers” Lockley. It was a splendid day, and providing you were sporting in excess of five layers, you were not susceptible to the chill of the Leicestershire countryside. Anyway, a jolly good time was had by all, and the bride looked delightful, as you might expect. The presentation of what appeared to resemble “twigs” to significant guests was a surprise to all of those gathered, but both the First Lady and your correspondent surmised that it must have been a Welsh thing. Either that or all of the leaves had fallen off by the time they got hitched.

To celebrate their nuptial alliance, your ever-thoughtful correspondent and the First Lady purchased Jobless & Dave a goat from Oxfam, which they named “Ed” after the Vice Chairman. so at least he can say that he was represented at the wedding as a goat, if not in person. And it will save the newly-weds wasting their money on luxury consumer durables at John Lewis in the new year, which of course will be a burdensome task after their festive honeymoon in Paris.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tempus Pro Undressio

Lockers Lockley, the First Lady and the CWSC after a good lunch yesterday

The Chairman is delighted to announce the arrival in the UK of the Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee, who looks as youthful as the day I first met her. Apart form having to squeeze in a nap yesterday afternoon, she showed no ill effects from her flight, although when she arrived at the residence of the Chairman & First Lady she rather resembled a Russian doll, in so much as that when one layer of clothing was removed, yet another one of similar substance seemed to be sported underneath. It was only when she peeled of one layer to many that I realised we had the heating on too high, resulting in the CWSC swiftly donning her splendid club zephyr in order to protect her modesty. Anyway, welcome back to Blighty Marie. Even if it’s only for a week.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Batteries not included

Tiger Campion WRC playing with her rabbit

Many happy returns of the day to our Tiger-ish Treasurer, Tiger Campion, who is 37 years young today (or 38 according to her husband the Captain). What more needs to be said but grrrrrr. And, of course, happy birthday.

Choc's away!

Bomb(er)'s away!

Alan recently photographed on manoeuvres in a top-secret locatation

Many happy returns of the day to Campo "Campo" Bader-Campo DFC, who is 69 years young today. You may be surprised to to know that Alan is not celebrating by doing a 360 degree roll over Hillards, but is instead being entertained by the Cox & her Consort at the spiritual home of the WRC on Bunkers Hill. The precise menu has not been released yet, but rumour has it that the Cox might be attempting Bombe Surprise for pudding in Alan’s honour. Happy birthday Alan – properly considered, you don’t look a day over 68.