Thursday, December 27, 2007

A spouse is not just for Christmas

Hold very tight please

The Cox & her Consort, Beryl & Richard

Mr & Mrs Jobless-Curran, Jo & (Hello) Dave

The bride & groom modeled in lego

The First Lady, Chairman & Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee making merry

As promised, a selection of photographs from the wedding of a dear friend of the WRC, Jo “Lockers” Lockley. It was a splendid day, and providing you were sporting in excess of five layers, you were not susceptible to the chill of the Leicestershire countryside. Anyway, a jolly good time was had by all, and the bride looked delightful, as you might expect. The presentation of what appeared to resemble “twigs” to significant guests was a surprise to all of those gathered, but both the First Lady and your correspondent surmised that it must have been a Welsh thing. Either that or all of the leaves had fallen off by the time they got hitched.

To celebrate their nuptial alliance, your ever-thoughtful correspondent and the First Lady purchased Jobless & Dave a goat from Oxfam, which they named “Ed” after the Vice Chairman. so at least he can say that he was represented at the wedding as a goat, if not in person. And it will save the newly-weds wasting their money on luxury consumer durables at John Lewis in the new year, which of course will be a burdensome task after their festive honeymoon in Paris.

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