Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tempus Pro Youtubeio

After the rather unsporting removal of the video of my exploits at the 154th University Boat Race from cyberspace, I have restored my endeavors on behalf of the honour of the club back onto YouTube, as you can see by clicking play on the above video. I can’t understand why I was banned from all future Boat Races by the Chief Executive of the organizing committee myself, but there you go. Some people have no soul. Or a sense of mischief.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

At the pub in St James

The Seal of the Antipodean Ambassador

The Chairman enjoyed an evening with the Ambassador last night, who was paying a brief State Visit to the Metropolis on business with a touch of pleasure thrown in. The Ambassador decided to forgo the traditional corporate delights made available to him in London to spend an evening in a pub in St James with his Chairman, interspersed with a spot of shopping in Piccadilly Circus to break the evening up a bit. Either that, or Dale can’t take the Chairman’s pace any more and has become a bit of a girly wuss who prefers shopping to drinking. As ever, always a pleasure to see Dale. And to have a joke (or four) at his expense in cyberspace.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Charlotte out shopping at Victoria Market earlier this morning

The Chairman spoke to the Colonies via the medium of telephonic communication this morning, and is delighted to announce that he found the Antipodean Ambassadress well on the way to a full recovery, and in excellent form. This followed from her recent visit to her physician, who had declared that the swiftness of her rehabilitation was confounding medical science with its rapidity. That’s the spirit Charlotte – leave the so-called experts confused in whatever field that may ply their profession. That is the Witham way, after all.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tempus Pro Getwellsoonio

The Antipodean Ambassadress just prior to removing her bandages

I made a call to the Antipodean Ambassadress courtesy of the telephone this morning, who I was glad to hear was recovering, albeit slowly (but surely) from her recent orthodontistry surgery. As the Chairman has a strong disposition for most things (with the exception of Campion-strength Pimm’s), the Ambassadress thought I could face pictures of her face following surgery, and as such, thoughtfully sent me two photographs of the results, which I promised I would not reproduce, but if truth were told, I just could not resist. So, if you’re in any way squeamish, I would urge you not to look down to the bottom of this blog entry to see the second photograph. Poppy apparently couldn’t recognise Charlotte when she got home, and I’m sure you can see why if you fail to resist taking a peek. Anyway, get well soon Charlotte – we are all thinking of you during your recuperation.

You can't resist it, can you.......?

Charlotte recouperating in her Winceyette pajamas in bed this morning. I didn't recognise her, either.