Wednesday, October 08, 2008

It’s good to talk

Which end do you talk out of, Chairman?

For the benefit of serving members of HM Forces within the club, the Chairman thought he might like to offer a refresher course in the joys of recreational communication with the Chairman of the club. As Maria sang in the sound of music, “Let’s start at the very beginning, it’s a very good place to start”, so for the benefit of those members not au fait with modern communications in the third millennium, you will find above an example of modern telephonic apparatus. Pick it up, press the right buttons and, hey presto, you might find even manage to find your Chairman at the other end! Especially when you faithfully promised to telephone two evenings ago, Captain…..

Saturday, October 04, 2008

It's good to talk

An artists impression of the scene by the Chair of the Fine Arts Committee

Three guesses where the Chair of the Wines and Sprits Committee was when I last had the pleasure of her dulcet tones? Well, a gentleman would never be so indiscreet, but bearing in mind her own husband was considerate enough to mention that the CWSC was in the bath drinking a beer when handing me over to her, I thought it would be rude not to share this with you all. Bottoms up! Or down, as bathing etiquette generally dictates according to Debrett's.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Coming to a cinema near you....

Just in case you have not seen the Antipodean Ambassadress of late and wondered what she has been up to, clicking on the YouTube clip thoughtfully embedded above by the Chairman might give you a few clues. Her French has improved considerably since leaving school, I’m sure you will agree. Co-incidentally, the Ambassadress has been in Sydney over the last few days, her visit coinciding with that of our chum Helen’s sister and that of the closest chum of my sister in law. As I commented to the First Lady only the other evening whilst taking our Port and perusing The Times Pocket Global Atlas, it’s a small world….