Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The drawbacks of responsibility (welcome home)

The Chairman is delighted to announce the arrival in Blighty at 4.00pm yesterday of a flight containing the Vice Chairman and the Chairs of both the Wines & Spirits & Fine Arts Committees. The journey, over which the Vice Chairman was understandably anxious when speaking to his Chairman recently, went very well, and when asked for marks out of ten as to how well it went, was scored an “eight” by the VC. You will also be delighted to note that that in spite of the distractions of a young child, the VC & CWSC did not go thirsty on their flights, as apparently, they managed 8 cans of beer & two bottles of wine on the course of their journey. Each. “Well, we couldn’t really get stuck in with Ruby being there, could we?” the VC said yesterday evening. Never a truer word said in jest, Vice. Welcome home.

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