Friday, June 08, 2007

Henley 1996 – The one with the tents

The Captain of Boats and Vice Chairman dodging the showers in the Stewards' Enclosure

The Captain in his decorated trousers at our Camp(o) site, the CWSC similarly attired, and the First Lady, a vision in gray marl.

The VC before his breakfast, the CWSC during hers and "Turbo"

The year we camped with the Campions, and the second (and final) year of Dicky Millward’s brief association with the WRC. Having just left University, your Chairman was so poor that he only managed to take 8 photographs, which singularly failed to include him on any of. The Captain was duly captured on film with his beard, however, and in rather fetching patterned loose “trousers” which I shall be presenting as exhibits in the forthcoming trial for which the fashion police are currently amassing evidence.

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