Monday, March 17, 2008

Beating the Royal Academy into submission

I Predict a Riot (c) Ruby Alice Carter CFAC WRC

You will be delighted to know that the Chairman has arranged for submission of the Chair of the Fine Arts Committee’s first artistic offering for consideration of the hanging committee of the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, with the application for her first work being submitted today. In recognition of the fact that the Kaiser Chiefs named their song “Ruby” after the Chair of the Fine Arts Committee, Ruby suggested to the Chairman by the medium of telepathy that the picture should be titled “I Predict a Riot”, perhaps the Kaiser Chief’s finest hour to date, which is hopefully the reaction of the hanging committee when they consider Ruby’s endeavours. Ruby had originally submitted a picture entitled “Fire and Flames” for consideration, but as the picture was almost the size of the Bayeux Tapestry (but not quite so detailed), the Treasurer thought that the framing budget of “£20 max.” might be “stretched slightly”, as the Captain might have put it in his characteristically understated style……

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