Monday, March 31, 2008

Fat Neck – The Chairman competing at the 154th University Boat Race

Bottom left if you're eyesight is too bad

Just in case you missed the ITV coverage of the 154th University Boat Race on Saturday (which included 1 hour 15 minutes of “build up”, but omitted the Isis-Goldie race), you might have missed the extra member of the “Oxford crew” who helped his Father’s alma mater celebrate their 74th victory in the race in front of a worldwide audience of aprox. 100 million viewers and was drenched in Champagne for his trouble. Watch closely at aprox. 1 minute 40 seconds for a chap in a red jumper and a receding hairline, who was greeted in the post-race reception by an American member of the Oxford crew with the words, “Hey, you’re the guy from the podium”. Karl Power eat your heart out!

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