Friday, May 09, 2008

Must try harder

The Ambassador having a blast on his birthday last weekend

The Chairman is acutely aware that usual service has not been forthcoming of late, with specific regard to the flagging up of members birthdays of late, with special regard to our Antipodean members for whom birthdays come thick and fast this time of year. Events, dear members, events. So, your Chairman is pleased to offer to offer somewhat belated blog birthday greetings to the High Commissioner (who had a bowling party, I gather, although not of the crown green variety) in addition to the 45th birthday of the Ambassador, who dressed up in the uniform of an Imperial Stormtrooper to celebrate his birthday on May the 4th (“May the fourth be with you”. Geddit?) I am also delighted to announce that today marks the occasion of the birthday of the Chair of the Fine Arts Committee, who has reached the grand old age of two, which I am sure she will bear up to with grace and good character. Especially of she takes after her grand parents, I should add. In addition to Ruby’s birthday, this Sunday marks the 38th birthday of the Antipodean Ambassadress, who was on sparking good form for the time of year when I spoke to her at some length last week, which was good to hear.

So, many happy returns to you all, belatedly, prematurely or on time, and the First Lady and I shall have a couple of cold one in celebration of these anniversaries when we visit the Campo’s for the weekend tomorrow.

Tempus Pro Shouldnotbesoslackchairmanio

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