Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Club stripped socks

Look what I've managed to find

I have been overwhelmed recently with communications relating to Club kit, which usually read “I know you have provided the club with two issues of t-shirts, numbered rugby shirts, club blazer badges and ties Chairman, not to mention arranging with Godfrey Sports the resource of an on-like kit supplier who will pretty much make anything we require, but when are you going to get round to finding a supplier of green and white hoped socks suitable for a dress-down Friday or recreation weekend wear?” Well worry no longer, as the supplier of club ties, Messrs Ryder & Amies of Cambridge now stock the aforementioned items as pictured above. The only drawback is that you have to ask for them under the name of “Queens College” cotton socks and pay £7.50 a pair for the privilege, but you have the Chairman’s assurance that the socks are splendid addition to a chap’s wardrobe. One size fits all, unless you are female, a junior member or have particularly odd feet. Well, I'm only human, after all!

Ryder & Amies
22 King's Parade
Cambridge CB2 1SP

(01223) 350371

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