Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hard cheese, old Chairman!

Ian Carmichael back in his prime

Your corrospondent at the tennis court last summer

The scene in all of its cinemagraphic glory

Pride comes before a fall, but the Chairman is delighted to announce that courtesy of a spectacular piece of Chappist networking, he is to play the Ian Carmichael role in a photoshoot recreating the tennis match from the 1960 film School for Scoundrels for The Chap magazine this Sunday. The fall seems strangely apt, as that is the way in which the scene ends, but that’s the world of Chappist modelling for you. I live in hope for a front cover, but one should never be greedy. And with any luck, this escapade will be witnessed by no greater authority on the cinema than the Vice Chairman himself. Something I am sure he will very much look forward to witnessing, I’m sure.

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