Thursday, February 05, 2009

The Royal Academy : A Call for Entries

The Chair of the Fine Arts Committee exercising spatial awareness

The Chairman at the RA last year

The Chairman is pleased to reveal that the Royal Academy has recently announced its Call for Entries for the 2009 Summer Exhibition. Following on from last years theme whereby the title of the work was based on the name of a Kaiser Chiefs song (after the Kaiser Chiefs had named their most famous song “Ruby” after the Chair of the Fine Arts Committee), and taking inspiration from the from the recent heatwave in the antipodes, this years entries should work towards the theme “Take My Temperature”, a highlight of any Kaiser Chiefs live set.

In order to save on expensive framing costs in the current economic climate, all entries are restricted to A.4 size. The club has historically been generous enough to pay for one entry, which custom dictates is delivered by hand to the front entrance of Burlington House in Piccadilly, only for the Chairman to be unceremoniously sent round to the tradesman’s entrance by the frock coated RA attendants along with all of the other exhibitors. Should any other member wish to have works considered for submission, members should ensure that they reach the Chairman by no later than Friday 27th March, on which date no finer authority than the Chair of the Fine Arts Committee herself will judge any such submissions with her critical eye.

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