Monday, June 29, 2009


Sunday at Reading - Back to school for the CWSC

Cruising the course at Henley

The Treasurer and the Vice Chairman atop our boat

Tempus Pro Fireworksio

Sunday morning swim for the Captain

The Chairman is delighted to announce that the WRC will be represented at Henley for the 20th successive year this Thursday by a coxless pair consisting of the Chairman & First Lady, during which all of the traditions will be observed as custom dictates. This year marks the 10th anniversary of our 10th anniversary cruise from Wallingford to Henley on Thames, and as such, I thought I would unearth a selection of vintage images from the year the Captain’s cheap panama ended up in the brink. Happy days, happy days…..

As is also customary at this time of year, the Chairman is acutely aware of the fact that not everyone who would like to attend Henley in person can so do, and as such, he has sweated long and hard into the early hours, fortified only by port and cigars, and come up with a quiz to involve everyone this year to help them feel that they are “at Henley”, even though they are not actually “at Henley”. Prizes will be awarded for the best efforts – Good luck!
The 2009 Henley quiz
1.The Captain acquired what was probably his fifth Henley hat from Silvers on Bell Street in Henley prior to their closure due to a downturn in business, which was thoughtfully trimmed in club colours by the shop’s hatter. The base cost of the boater was £38.00, but how much do you think was charged for the bespoke trimming of the hat in club colours?

2.Dickie Millward – True or false?

3.To the nearest 20 years, how many consecutive years will the WRC have been represented at Henley when the Chairman and First Lady grace the regatta with their presence next Thursday?

4.In which important academic document did the Chairman decide to goad his Guardian reading beleaguered personal tutor with by including as its front cover an A4 photocopy of the Daily Telegraph front page?

5.On our way to Thailand for our holiday this year, we encountered Alan Wicker removing his shoes at the security desk. In order to speed up the logistics of international travel, the Antipodean Ambassador travels only in flip-flops, wife beater vests and swimshorts. True or false?

6.Who has amassed more air miles this year – The Antipodean Ambassadress or the Australian Prime Minister?

7.The club’s unofficial herald, Father Howard, was 80 on the 24th June, but how would one write 80 in Roman numerals?

8.How much money had the Chairman saved by making his own enclosure badges for the club for the last 10 years or so?

9.It is 10 years since the WRC’s 10th anniversary cruise, during which the club flag, lovingly made by the Treasurer and Captian of Boats, was first unveiled. How old does that make the flag this year?

10.For many of those who cruised the Thames from Wallingford to Henley (and back) in 1999, the highlight of the trip the letter of complaint the then Secretary wrote to the boat company claiming (and winning) compensation for the boat breaking down at least twice. However, for other members, the highlight was when one long established member decided to put into action his wisdom in the field of physics by trying to stop the boat crashing into a wall by using leg power alone, resulting in his being flipped head over heals into the well of the boat. Guess who?

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