Monday, February 11, 2008

Get well soon Daisy

Don't be glum, Daisy. As a result of global warming (discuss), summer's just round the corner...

The Vice Captain of Boats & Treasurer, wisely photographed behind perspex. Let’s hope her injury it doesn’t interfere with her playing with her DS Lite

As the Captain could no doubt attest, were he not constantly on the make at the taxpayers expense, if a little winter sports is a bad thing, just imagine what would happen if the whole family started sporting body warmers in anger whilst watching Dancing On Ice and Ski Sunday over the weekend. Well, as self fulfilling prophecies go, the Chairman’s forecast of broken limbs at Swindon ice rink has unfortunately come to fruition, as our Vice Captain of Boats has sadly broken her arm whilst skating, resulting in her sporting a plaster cast on her left arm. Living proof, if any were necessary that if a little exercise for children is a bad thing, just imagine what damage a full exercise regime may result in on the delicate frame of our junior members, as the Antipodean Ambassador was only conveying to me the other day.....

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