Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Kate Moss eat your heart out

The First Lady with her new Posh Spice-lite haircut

A scarf fit for the Witham

Love is....Club kit.
Don't worry about the scarf Tiger - you'll grrrrr-ow into it.

For members inspection, the Chairman is delighted to present items old & new from the Club wardrobe. In addition to the First Lady sporting her new Club zephyr, the Captain of Boats is sporting the WRC polo shirt from the 1994 kit order, whilst the Treasurer is sporting the bespoke WRC scarf commissioned by the Chairman from Luke Eyres, the collegiate sportswear supplier for the discerning. Should members require any kit not previously made available to purchase by the Chairman, please let him know and he will see what he can do. As the VC was saying to me only the other day, you can never be too well dressed, and he should know.

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