Monday, February 11, 2008

Never mind the shoes, just look at that hat.

Franz Klammer eat your heart out

Members, friends, Romans, taxpayers and sportsmen.

You will be delighted to know that the Captain has returned from the RAF Skiing & Freeloading Championships in one piece, and would have confirmed as much earlier except he had been spending the last week polishing his medal for 20th place in the men’s downhill championships. As the Captain put it himself,


Just in case you thought I may have been fraudulently taking taxpayers money and not using it for earnest endeavors, I attach a photo of me coming 20th (out of 96) in the Fiacalle Downhill race at Winterglem, Austria. The race is the 'Adventurous Training' bit that justified all the freeloading apres-ski.....

Glad that’s all cleared up then

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