Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Filly watching in Windsor Great Park

Of course we took the flag.

The work of the Secretary, who was up to no good all day. She even had two glasses of Pimm's.

Prizes, both traditional and courtesy of the sponsors

The Campion ladies of the WRC

The Secretary, and a pony giving the Treasurer a close examination

Yes please!

Members and readers will be delighted to note that as custom dictates, the old adage “the sun always shines on the Witham” fortunately held true last Saturday when the UK branch of the WRC attended the Jack Wills Varsity Polo fixtures at the Guards Club in Windsor Great Park. Despite not one but two satellite navigation systems, the members attending managed to get lost twice en route to the Guards Club (blame the Chairman), but this did not spoil our day or result in a late arrival, of which there was little danger as the Vice Captain of Boats had apparently risen at 6.00am demanding to get into her dress and get on with things. I cannot be certain of the results, although I think that both Harrow and Oxford (boo) won on this occasion.

To be fair, the polo seemed to be of incidental importance compared with the promenading of the young ladies present, who outnumbered the boys (one could hardly refer to them as men, although they were all tall with masses of hair, a result of centuries of “good breeding” no doubt) by approximately five to one. Most of the long haired blonde young ladies (“jailbait” as the Captain referred to them), based on the colour of the wristband they sported, looked as if they were in for the long haul and were due to attend the after party on Saturday night for £50.00 a pop if you please, although the WRC contingent left at six, slighty sunburned, to avoid the crush. The Captain did suggest, however, that it was just the sort of fixture that the Vice Chairman would very much have enjoyed. Because, as we well know, he is a great fan of polo….

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