Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Hang ’em high

I Predict a Riot (but not rejection)

How could they?

The Chairman is disappointed to have to report that those arbiters of artistic creativity (otherwise known as the Hanging Committee of the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition) have seen fit to reject this year’s submission of the Chair of the Fine Arts Committee, on the ludicrous grounds that there were “over 10,000 entries and the competition was extremely strong”. It is the Chairman’s conjecture that bearing in mind the accredited artist was only aged one, to be so callous as to reject the child’s submission out of hand was at the best unsporting and at worst a serious error of artistic judgement. Especially as the picture was actually painted by the Consul General (aged almost three at the time). I’m not a dramatic sort of Chairman, but I feel compelled to suggest on this evidence that even if this is not the end of artistic civilisation as we know it, then it’s the end of the beginning of the end, as I’m sure you will all agree.

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