Wednesday, June 04, 2008

In the red (and in the pink)

It's no laughing matter, Sir

The Captian in his red chinos and the Treasurer auditioning for the role of "The Mummy"

A fine sartorial example to us all - The Chairman with the Vice Captain of Boats and the Secretary

Your Chairman was amused to read in the Murdoch today that

One of Prince William’s first duties as a naval lieutenant will be to buy a crate of beer for colleagues after messing up the traditional task of slipping a ship’s anchor. After a demonstration of how to release the anchor of Hindostan, a former minesweeper, the Prince swung a sledgehammer and failed to dislodge it. He succeeded with his next blow but will be expected to pay the traditional forfeit of a case of beer.

Let us hope the Captain coughs up the traditional bottle of Champagne at Henley this year should he turn up at the polo on Saturday his red chinos, as he has intimated might be on the cards.

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