Thursday, January 31, 2008

Here comes the summer (exhibition)

Time to get your brushes out, Ruby

The Chairman would like to remind the Chair of the Fine Arts Committee that the deadline for submitting works for consideration by the Summer Exhibition hanging committee of the Royal Academy of Arts is approaching with alarming speed. As they say in the art world, you've got to be in it to win it. Good luck, Ruby.

Tempus Pro Giveitupio

The VC looks on in a concerned fashion at the VC of Boats's endevours at Henley, and fears for the future of the club.

Many happy returns of the day to the Vice Captain of Boats, Daisy Elizabeth Campion WRC, who has reached the grand old age of 8 today. As you can see by the above picture taken at Henley last year, Daisy takes her duties seriously, but as she’s now 8, perhaps the Captain of Boats might like to have a chat with his daughter and explain the precise nature of what “rowing” means to a club such as ours. As I’m sure you will all agree, you’re never too young to learn the joy of avoiding being on the river “in anger”….

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross.....

The VC after half a shandy at Henley last year

The Chairs of the Wines & Spirits & Fine Arts Committees

The High Commissioner, enjoying a large G & T in N.21

Just like her Mother (Father, Uncles, Aunts, Grandparents.....) - The Consul General, never happier than with a drink in her hands.

Never let it be said that the Chairman is not a contemporaneous blogger (although he’s be called a lot worse), so to belatedly celebrate Australia Day, which fell on Saturday, your Chairman is delighted to present three of his favourite recent pictures of the Australian members of the WRC (although they could yet decide to be British or Kiwi – after all, the Captain’s not a Singaporean). I’m sure they all had a good sing-song on Saturday, with renditions of “Tie the VC down, sport” and “Waltzing Megranny” very much to the fore. That is unless, of course, Sam, Poppy & Ruby are as musical as the VC, who holds a note about as well as he holds his beer…….

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sacre Coeur!Le Bunkers Hill Mafia on tour in Paris, November 2007

Can you see who it is yet?

"Who's this one by, Margaret"

"Shall we do the Sound of Music"?

"I think you'll find that was Saltzburg, Margaret"

Ou est le tea shop?

Here is a selection of photographs of the Bunkers Hill Mafia on their recent visit to Paris in November last year (kindly sponsored by Ecco Shoes – comfortable shoes for the discerning crumbly, as the Captain puts it) .As you can see, a good time was had by all, although the founder’s parents trip coincided with a transport strike which resulted on the whole trip on Parisian soil being undertaken on foot. Well, as the High Commissioner said the only the other day, what else would you expect from those 'cheese-eating surrender monkeys'? Wise words indeed, especially as Sam’s only 6.


Monday, January 21, 2008

Freeloading? Moi?

Thank you, Darling. The Captain on the piste (not for the first time) courtesy of HM Treasury defence budget.

The Chairman is delighted to announce to members & friends of the WRC that the UK’s most productive use of the taxpayers’ money, our non-flying Sqdn Ldr and Captain of Boats, is competing as I write in the RAF Ski & Snowboard Championships which are being held at a top-secret location, and which have been thoughtfully funded in the main by the already overburdened British taxpayer. Bugger the troops in Afghanistan who seem to be struggling for kit, say I, and providing the Captain can get access to fondue, schnapps and duty free cigars, all is well with the world. Who says defence spending budgets need closer scrutiny? Still, all work and no play makes for a dull life (if not a dull Captain), and apparently the fact that the Captain skied most recently over three years ago places him in not only the “dedicated” category but also the “advanced” one to boot. You just know he’s going to give a good account of himself, don’t you?

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Tempus Pro Topofthepopsappearanceio

The Chairman appearing in public without a tie

The Chairman browsing the pretty songbird

Just in case you missed the Top of the Pops Christmas special on Christmas day (which as half the club are resident in Australia seems highly likely), you will have missed your First Lady being the first person in the audience panned onto when the first act the Kaiser Chiefs were on. I’m afraid I don’t have any stills of this fleeting appearance (one of a number I might add), but courtesy of a friend of my sister-in-law, a number of stills of Katie Melula’s rendition of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” featuring your Chairman quite prominently managed to find their way to me by email, which I thought I might like to share with the wider world. As my brother said in a text message, “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas….and stop staring at Katie Melua’s bottom”. Sometimes, the evidence for the prosecution can be somewhat overwhelming, but luckily enough, the clip has not yet made it to YouTube, thus my over-animated clapping will not reach a wider audience yet, but even I winced when I saw my shameful performance. Hope you managed to catch it - or not as the case may have it.

Tempus Pro 2008io

Guess who got a new WRC rugby shirt for Christmas? The Chairman & First Lady at Chez Campo on New Years Day.

A very happy new year to all members & friends of the WRC. Tempus Pro Blogio will be back as and when the self-assessment deadline allows. Sadly, even the Chairman has to knuckle down occasionally.....