Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross.....

The VC after half a shandy at Henley last year

The Chairs of the Wines & Spirits & Fine Arts Committees

The High Commissioner, enjoying a large G & T in N.21

Just like her Mother (Father, Uncles, Aunts, Grandparents.....) - The Consul General, never happier than with a drink in her hands.

Never let it be said that the Chairman is not a contemporaneous blogger (although he’s be called a lot worse), so to belatedly celebrate Australia Day, which fell on Saturday, your Chairman is delighted to present three of his favourite recent pictures of the Australian members of the WRC (although they could yet decide to be British or Kiwi – after all, the Captain’s not a Singaporean). I’m sure they all had a good sing-song on Saturday, with renditions of “Tie the VC down, sport” and “Waltzing Megranny” very much to the fore. That is unless, of course, Sam, Poppy & Ruby are as musical as the VC, who holds a note about as well as he holds his beer…….

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