Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sacre Coeur!Le Bunkers Hill Mafia on tour in Paris, November 2007

Can you see who it is yet?

"Who's this one by, Margaret"

"Shall we do the Sound of Music"?

"I think you'll find that was Saltzburg, Margaret"

Ou est le tea shop?

Here is a selection of photographs of the Bunkers Hill Mafia on their recent visit to Paris in November last year (kindly sponsored by Ecco Shoes – comfortable shoes for the discerning crumbly, as the Captain puts it) .As you can see, a good time was had by all, although the founder’s parents trip coincided with a transport strike which resulted on the whole trip on Parisian soil being undertaken on foot. Well, as the High Commissioner said the only the other day, what else would you expect from those 'cheese-eating surrender monkeys'? Wise words indeed, especially as Sam’s only 6.


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