Monday, January 21, 2008

Freeloading? Moi?

Thank you, Darling. The Captain on the piste (not for the first time) courtesy of HM Treasury defence budget.

The Chairman is delighted to announce to members & friends of the WRC that the UK’s most productive use of the taxpayers’ money, our non-flying Sqdn Ldr and Captain of Boats, is competing as I write in the RAF Ski & Snowboard Championships which are being held at a top-secret location, and which have been thoughtfully funded in the main by the already overburdened British taxpayer. Bugger the troops in Afghanistan who seem to be struggling for kit, say I, and providing the Captain can get access to fondue, schnapps and duty free cigars, all is well with the world. Who says defence spending budgets need closer scrutiny? Still, all work and no play makes for a dull life (if not a dull Captain), and apparently the fact that the Captain skied most recently over three years ago places him in not only the “dedicated” category but also the “advanced” one to boot. You just know he’s going to give a good account of himself, don’t you?

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