Friday, May 12, 2006

An Ambassadorial visit

The Chairman & Ambassador celebrating the birth of Ruby at Zizi's on Charlotte Street.

Dining with the Ambassador is one of life’s great pleasures, and the First Lady and I were delighted to be entertained by the Ambassador (sans Ferrero Rocher) during his latest visit to the Metropolis this week. Dale was in rude heath and an even ruder shirt, and in addition to the Witham Rowing Club being toasted, the Diner’s Club also received the plaudits for their contribution to evening’s facilities.

What the Ambassador lacks in formality (t-shirts, coloured shorts and fancy shirts are invariably the order of the day) he more than makes up for in his generosity, and both the First Lady and I fondly recall the Melbourne AGM in November 2003 at which we were served by the Ambassador’s butler. Quite what the butler made of the WRC I don’t know, but we were rather impressed by his presence, in much the same way that the Ambassadress was with hers when the Ambassador returned on her birthday bearing gifts from international fashion houses.

Vivat Ambassador.

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