Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The day Dave met the Captain

David Cameron during a recent visit to the primary school of the Secretary and Vice Captain of Boats
As a fluke of the electoral process, in so much as that the Captain found that he was the only parent who completed the form of self-nomination, the Captain has found himself on the governing body of the school which the Secretary & Vice Captain of Boats attend. During his brief spell of tenure, the dining room has already disappeared and has been converted into a new wing for the reception class, due in no small part to the fund-raising activities of the school PTA.

As a result of the geographical proximity of the top-secret location of the Captain’s whereabouts, the local MP is none other than David Cameron (Eton and Oxford, where he was a member of the Bullingdon Club), who has been MP for Witney since Douglas Hurd vacated the seat in 1997. So, during the recent local election campaign, David Cameron visited the school, and as a result of the Captain being part of the party of “local dignitaries”, he was deigned fit to meet the next Prime Minister of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland (which was more than can be said for the PTA who were instrumental in the raising of the funds for the building).

So, the Captain finds himself chatting with Dave, who observed to the Captain that the school had "done a good job" with the conversion. The Captain conceded the point made by Cameron, but saw fit to add that “I don’t think Jamie Oliver would have approved”. When questioned as to why by Cameron, the Captain stated “because this used to be a dining room”, after which David Cameron moved on swiftly and was last seen in deep conversation with Headmistress of the school……

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