Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Introduction and welcome from the Chairman

The Chairman at Henley in club tie & blazer

Hello, and welcome to Tempus Pro Blogio, the blog of the Witham Rowing Club (WRC). The WRC is unique within the world of rowing in the sense that it is the world’s only rowing club which does not, has not and has no intention of so ever taken to the water in anger. It was formed in 1991 by a group of old friends with a shared interest in the social and sartorial side of rowing and an appreciation of the finer things in life. They first attended Henley Royal Regatta in 1990 and have been represented at Henley on each subsequent year, during which those members present continue to share with anyone who cares to listen the stories and history of the Club.

The roots of the club are in Lincoln, through which the River Witham runs, this being a somewhat murky stretch of the Witham un-navigable by a racing shell and populated almost entirely by swans, lending the club its colours of green & white, (green being for the water of the Witham and white for the swans which sail thereon).

The club’s badge is that of a set of crossed oars with a glass of Pimm’s, United Distillers having been generous suppliers to the WRC on previous occasions. The moto, Tempus Pro Proximo literally translates as “Time for another one”, which the committee considered most apt and in keeping of the spirit of the club.

The WRC is steeped in the tradition of eccentric British institutions such as Royal Shrewsbury School Hunt (est 1832) which does not hunt and is, in fact, a cross country running club and The Atholl Highlanders (est. 1839), formed as a ceremonial unit by Lord Glenlyon, Duke of Atholl and subsequently the only private army permitted by law in the UK.

Chairman WRC

Gladbeck Towers

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