Thursday, May 25, 2006

A blast from the past

Members and keen observers of the Club over the years may recall none other than Dickie Millward, who the Captain accidentally brought to Henley twice and the boat race once in the early 1990’s. He was last heard of living in a castle in Kent and attendant at firework displays the length and breadth of the Greater Metropolis. Well, he appeared at the Chairman’s station the other day, dolling out leaflets for his latest venture, the North London Open Air Classical Concert in a very fetching purple promotional fleece.

Apparently, he lives in Puckeridge (somewhere up the A1 I gather), and introduced me to his similarly befleeced accomplice to me as one of the chaps they both met at Henley.

Oh yes, Witham Rowing Club

his chum recalled without prompting. I couldn’t remember said chum from Adam (it was a long weekend), although I did mention to Dickie another member of the party I recalled, who has apparently subsequently tragically died. I thought I’d put my foot in it again (having one disgraced myself on Dickie’s beanbag in his flat in Enfield 14 years ago), but there was one villain greater than your maligned correspondent.

Have you seen Campo lately”? Dickie enquired.

I obliquely glossed over the fact that I had enjoyed the company of the not only the Captain but the whole family at the weekend, to which Dickie promptly added

He didn’t come to my bloody wedding last summer, the bas***d!”

A harsh man, Dickie, but he certainly makes a firework concert go with a bang.

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