Friday, May 19, 2006

Let it grow, let is grow, let it grow !

The First Lady & Secretary testing the trampoline

For members and readers of a horticultural bent, you will be delighted to note that the Captain has managed to defy not only the hosepipe ban (and the prying eyes of nosy neighbours) of but also horticultural science – he has managed to grow a trampoline from seed.

As ever, the Captain has a ready explanation:

“It’s quite simple really, Chairman. It’s a combination of the fertile soil in Oxfordshire and a grant from the Beefield Trust, and as luck would have it, the trampoline even managed to grow from component parts to full gestation in the course of an afternoon”

Strangely enough, the RHS make no mention of the Letsalljumpon Trampolina in their comprehensive Encyclopedia of Garden Plants .

However, the overturning of horticultural conventions must be club trait, as the Cox has in previous years managed to cultivate as substantial crop of compact discs (Ceedee Negatetheweedie) at the Carter family seat in Lincoln, much to the surprise of the Chairman & Vice Chairman when a particularly impressive crop of audio books from the Sunday Times was espied on the vegetable plot.

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