Tuesday, January 23, 2007

25 Glorious Years

Don't look back in anger (two of many)

Three victims of Talking Heads, the demon barber of the Stonebow Centre

If you enjoyed yesterday’s offering, today’s is sure to delight. An offering from the days when

(1) The Chairman was sans lunette (although he could not have failed to miss the VC’s knitwear)
(2) Cameras were larger (see Charlotte’s brownie in her lap) and
(3) When knitwear design was primarily influenced by the Aztecs, not the aesthetes

Any takers to the occasion? Prizes will be awarded for anyone who guessed the 26th of May 1991, on the occasion of the silver wedding anniversary party in Rugby of our beloved Coxswain and her Consort, Richard. Neither the Antipodean Ambassadress not the Vice Chairman seems particularly overwhelmed at their photograph being taken on this auspicious occasion, and your Chairman just looks bemused. Perhaps it is as a result of not actually being able to see the camera a the time the photograph was taken.

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