Sunday, January 21, 2007

Don't look back in anger

The River Witham. Which swan would you like for dinner, Vice?

Members & friends will be delighted to note that your esteemed Chairman is once again in possession of a scanner, and for as long as it amuses him, he will be producing pictures from the Club archives for your amusement and entertainment, mostly at the expense of the WRC’s answer to David Bowie, Miss Charlotte Carter, during which we shall be revisiting her Aladdin Sane, Ziggy Stardust and not forgetting the Thin White Duke phases. Any requests will be duly considered, so if you’re feeling nostalgic, please do not hesitate to let your correspondent know. And yes, Tiger, your embroidered waistcoat circa 1992 will be making an appearance in due course. You have been warned.

Tempus Pro Nostalgia.

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