Saturday, January 20, 2007

Parental endowments

Mother's gift, but not her ruin

Ruby in the VC & CWSC's best towel

One of the dilemmas of the “parental visit” is quite what to request ones parents to bring in order to make them feel useful towards their children, who for many parents remain the greatest source pride in their lives (present company accepted, of course). As such, the matter requires a not inconsiderable level of thought.

The First Lady & I were due a brief “state visit” this week (subsequently abandoned due to the adverse meteorological conditions), during which I requested that my Mother be in attendance armed with her sewing machine, as due to the Boden trouser sizing policy, my recent purchase arrived “batteries not included”. A pair of inflated pillows which were surplus to requirements at Toad Hall were also due to be presented, as no doubt were a set of newspaper clippings which my dear and thoughtful Mother would consider my life to be improved by reading.

However, these will have to wait for another day. The same cannot be said for the Antipodean Ambassadress, who at time of writing, should now be in possession of some A1 grade cotton bed linen which the colonies are apparently deficient in. The Cox, as ever, was most willing to oblige. And what for her boy? What can a slack man who shy’s away from an iron during his recreational hours possibly want from his beloved parents? Some new towels perhaps, judging by the delightful picture of the Chair of the Fine Arts Committee? Not at the tip of his wish list, I gather. The Cox, in a rare indiscreet moment, let the cat out of the bag when I telephoned to wish her bon voyage last weekend. Well”, Beryl said,Charlotte said that she didn’t need any duty free drink, so I asked Ed whether there was anything I could bring, and he said that as Charlotte didn't need any, he’d just have the 4 litres of duty free gin………………”

What more would you expect from a man, who according to his automated email service at work YESTERDAY , “will be out of the office until 22/12/2007”.

Tempus Pro Newtowelsforrubyio

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