Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Many happy returns to the rink

Don't look back in anger
(three of many)

Daisy beneath The Clubhouse at Gladbeck Towers, April 2002

Liz & Daisy at Somerset House, 30thDecember 2005

Keen observers of Club matters will be delighted to note that the Vice Captain of Boats will be seven years old next Wednesday, January 31st.So, for the delight of members at the potential future embarrassment of dear Daisy, I am delighted to reproduce from the archives a photograph of Daisy at Gladbeck Towers in April 2002, who looks to be enjoining the plat de jour more than the wine-based gravy we presented for consumption on a recent visit.

Daisy’s official birthday will be celebrated on Sunday with a trip to Swindon Ice Rink, followed by a table for 10 at Mr McDonald’s house of fine dining. Both the Chairman & First Lady are delighted to be donning the skates once again, especially after the roaring success of the skating trip to Somerset House during which we spent an hour endeavouring to avoid falling over. The skating is to be accompanied by a disco, which brings the Chairman’s thoughts racing back to roller disco’s at Yarborough Leisure Centre with the Carters and the Campo’s (not forgetting the Charles’s et al). Halcyon days before the advent global warming and the onset of acne – I remember them well. Make the most of them Daisy – you’ve never had it so good.

The Secretary and Vice Captain of Boats, Gladbeck Towers (April 2002)

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