Wednesday, May 02, 2007

An Ambassador calls

In the pink - The First Lady and the Ambassador in O'Neill's

The Chairman & First Lady were delighted to entertain the Ambassador yesterday evening, who is enjoying a state visit to Blighty. After a snifter in the revamped hotel bar at the Ambassadorial hotel of choice (served in what appeared to be a vase, which bemused the Ambassador somewhat), we decamped to a centrally located select hostelry to watch a game of association football and chew the cud over recent events in Blighty and the Colonies, our appetites sated only by corn snacks and peanuts from the landlords larder due to the chef not working evenings. Suffice as to say that both the Chairman & First Lady were aware that drink had been taken when they rose from their slumbers this morning, the Ambassador having reeked havoc on our livers as custom dictates. As ever, always a pleasure to see Dale, never a chore.

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