Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hosiery for gentlemen

If an idea's good enough for Leander....

...well, what more could you ask for?

The Chairman is delighted to announce that after an extensive search, club socks have been sourced and are available on line.

Ribbed for your personal pleasure in the same way as those made for Leander as you will observe above and thoughtfully manufactured by Woolsey, who it goes without saying are by royal appointment, these are currently on offer priced 3 pairs for the price of two.

Despite extensive petitions to the manufacturers, Wolsey have chosen to describe the WRC socks as “Loden” in their online catalogue. Due to their sizing, these socks are currently only suitable for gentlemen members. Unless, of course, any ladies have particularly large feet.

More news on club kit shortly – your Chairman has the bit between his teeth, and is keen to proceed a pace (and not before time, I hear you cry!)

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