Friday, May 11, 2007

Tempus Pro Ambassadressbirthdayio

When we were very young - Charlotte's 21st birthday on 11th May 1991

Kristin Scott-Thomas and the Consul General, for whom she babysits for some pin money whilst resting

Many happy returns of the day to the Antipodean Ambassadress, who is 37 years young today. However, let us remember her today as she was on her 21st birthday, when the Chairman thoughtfully brought the Ambassadress a hat from Laura Ashley, which was something of a fetish for him at the time. As befits an outfitter who introduced the milkmaid look, the hat thoughtfully came with curly ear-warmers which the Ambassadress though were the height of fashion at the time. In much the same way, presumably, as her blouse, perhaps?

Vivat Ambassadress, and roll on September.

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