Monday, May 14, 2007

He's not all bad, you know

A replacement portrait of the Chairman, in Tiananmen Square

The Chairman, as hung at Howards End and

I was interested to read in the Murdoch that a replacement portrait of Chairman Mao has been hung in Tiananmen Square, as a result of the original image being scorched when a man tried to set fire to it. The picture, depicting Mao in 1949, weighs two tones, although the one which hangs at Howards End is somewhat more modest, and is confined to the downstairs loo as the First Lady refuses to have the “damn thing” anywhere else.

In much the same way as I know the WRC are sensitive to any criticism of their Chairman, the same can be said of the leaders of the Communist Party in China, whose view of Chairman Mao can be summed up as “70 percent good and 30 percent bad”. Which, from one Chairman to another, strikes me as fairly good odds, especially bearing in mind the rod of iron the Chairman has to employ to keep some of the more willful of the Club’s members in check. One can learn a lot from the Chinese, as apparently, Chinese officials keep “at least one” spare portrait of Mao “just in case of emergencies”. As such, I would urge members to do likewise. Just in case of emergencies, of course.

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