Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Chap Olympiad (with the Chairman & Captain)

The Captain of Boats and the Chairman at the Chap Olympics - Hats and smoking are almost compulsary on such occasions

The Captain approaching his lady during "Bounders"

What a bounder - on the receiving end of a glass of Champagne from Dame Fforbes

Hello girls! I think we might be a little late this evening (and the Captain's just pulled)

Competing In the freestyle dash (c) Getty Images

I am always flattered to hear from members that the collective goings of the WRC and its diverse membership are a source of amusement to others who have never met members such as the First Lady or the Treasurer (grrrrr). As such, your correspondent is delighted share with his loyal readership a selection of images from an event the Chairman & Captain of Boats compeated in at the weekened, The Chap Olympiad held in Bedford Square, London. Such readers to which I allude may not be aware of the other collective musings of your correspondent, entitled Howards’ Way (same high quality writing, but less clique-y), which explains the history of this particularly British event, a gathering of exhibitionist eccentrics fuelled by free gin and up to no good for the benefit of the gathered crowds (700 plus) and the gathered media.

The result? Well, on the official photography site, images of either your correspondent or the Captain numbered 5.5% of the total (11 out of 200), one splendid entry on Getty Images and an appearance on YouTube. Oh, and a photograph of the two of us (one of only three featured) in the commuters gazette, the Metro. Suffice as to say that we got fried to the tonsils and fell asleep on the tube on the way home (yes, dressed as we are on the photographs, co-respondent shoes and all), but as I hope members and readers will concur, club honour was maintained and our profile raised once again. Will we be back? Suffice as to say we are planning our ensemble for next year already…

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