Friday, July 20, 2007

The seventh (or eighth?) WRC AGM - 6.vii.2007

Attendees at the Annual General Meeting, the definitive contradiction in terms if there ever was one

The Chair of the Wines & Spirits Committee, who as ever did her job most ably as ever, and the Chairman sporting the newly commissioned WRC shemagh

The CWSC, the Treasurer and the First Lady prior to dinner

The 5th item on our extensive agenda

The VC posing with the loving cup

The Captain, just prior to his early departure

So, somewhat belatedly, the Chairman is delighted to reproduce for your entertainment pictures from the recent AGM held in Carterton. The Agenda ran to the customary seven courses, brilliantly executed by the Treasurer who worked very hard to ensure a splendid time was had by one and all. The Captain was keen to ensure a similar conclusion, but accidentally went to a dinner night the previous evening, thus precluding any assistance in respect of the forthcoming festivities by his own hand. Going out for a run at lunchtime on the day of the AGM cannot have helped much either, which proved to be a self-fulfilling prophecy after he fell asleep with a thud after the sixth course. No matter – we struggled on as a quintet following his early departure, which followed only shortly after that of the Secretary, who took the minutes at her first AGM, the first for three years and the first minutes taken in joined-up handwriting. Toasts to absent friends were drunk from the newly commissioned WRC loving cup, as were toasts to our hosts, the Club and the Queen, after which the CWSC, First Lady and Treasurer went out for a swift Romeo y Julieta with Aligene whist the VC and Chairman washed up and looked after the children. And to think, this is only the first AGM due to be held this year. Even when it rains, as it does in a biblical fashion as your correspondent writes, the sun always shines on the Witham.

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